Browse Grants by Tag How to Use Tags Tags let you find grants for your specific project. Click on a tag and see all the grants that can fund the initiative listed. AAgricultural employment Air quality BBasic Needs Bike lanes CChildrens’ health Clean and safe water Climate change resiliency Community colleges Community health workers Community resource building Correctional education programs DDental services EEconomic development Education Energy efficiency Environmental justice FFinancial assistance Financial educational Food security GGreen space HHealth care services in high need communities Health clinics Healthcare services Healthcare workforce development High school graduation rates Higher Education Highway design HIV services Housing IImmigrant communities Increasing connection to social services Increasing education in high-poverty & rural areas Infrastructure for natural disasters JJobs programs LLead remediation LGBTQ+ communities MMaternal healthcare services Mental health NNative American healthcare access Neighborhood improvement projects Non-carceral crisis response Nutrition & nutrition education PParks Pedestrian safety Pollution reduction Preventive healthcare Public health Public transportation RRacial equity Reentry Refugee assistance Rehabilitation programs Research SSchool based services Sidewalk design Street design Substance use treatment Syringe exchange TTransportation infrastructure trauma trauma-informed Tutors UUrban gardens VViolence prevention WWorkforce development Wraparound services YYouth mentorship Youth services Go back to the Federal Grants Database